Registered Name: PBG’s High Flyer WC, JH
Owner(s): Heather Buchanan
Registered Name: CH Cheer and Wing- T Cardinal Sin WC
Owner(s): Cori Heer, Anney Doucette, John Angelini
Registered Name: GCHS Coppermoon Orlagh’s Happy One RN CGN
Owner(s): Anna Sanford
Registered Name: MOTCH Prettyriver Sky High at Luchan RM, WCI, JH, Am CD, WC GRCA CCA
Owner(s): Cheryl Ingwersen
Registered Name: Ch Rush’s Are U Ready For This
Owner(s): Linda Brox, Carol Mcaulay
Registered Name: GCHB Cheers at Blastem on the rocks WC
Owner(s):Joanne Perritt
Registered Name: Blastem’s Young Warrior WC
Registered Name: GCH Blastem’s Kessel Run Smuggler CGN CDX RE ATD THD VE TT WC
Owner(s): Alison Arden, Shane LeRoux
Registered Name: SHR CH Luchan Hallmark No Turnin’ Bck WCI, JH, CA, S, SDO, ETD, VE, GRCC VCI
Owner(s): Cheryl Webster
Registered Name: SHR Prettyriver Luchan Dbl Ur Pleasure S, WC
Owner(s): Cheryl Webster, Deb Grech
Registered Name: GCHB Ambercroft’s Lakeside Reflections of Silver N’Gold CGN
Owner(s): Jodie Reid, Joey Bennett, Carol Lee
Registered Name: Rush’s Natalia Romanova GRCA CCA
Owner(s): Cal Wilson, Alex Pagnan
Registered Name: Rush’s V in an Autumn Flight JH, WC, RI, PCD, GRCA CCA
Owner(s): Cal Wilson, Linda Brox
Registered Name: BISS RBIS GCHS Meliagold the phantom Menace PCD, RI, ETD, TT, CGN, THDA
Owner(s): Joy Gray
Registered Name: RCH Maplelane’s Enriching Ash CD, RM, RMX, RAE3, ETD, VN, THDX, CGN, TT, Am RN
Registered Name: CH Makani’s Adagio for Strings
Owner(s): Betsey Ryan
Registered Name: CH Makani’s Gin Gimlet
Registered Name: Sterre Regular Human Bartender JH WC
Owner(s): Shelly Blom
Registered Name: Sterre Fire Breathing Hellhound JH WC
Registered Name: GCh Sterre Blastem Stellar Explosion JH
Registered Name: GCHB Starlings Baileymist Muskokan CGN, NTD
Owner(s): Rita and Paul Page
Registered Name: GCHS Baileymist Never Gonna Look Back NTD, CGN
Registered Name: U-CH, UR01, Can CH Gowrielea’s You’re In My Heart RI, NS, VN, SDIN, GRCC VC, Am RA
Owner(s): Sandy Brodie
Registered Name:Can CH, U-CH Gowrielea’s Scottish Glory RI, NS, WC, VN, SDIN, SDN, GRCC VC, Am RI, CD-V
Registered Name: Can GCh/UKC CH, URO2, SN, AHD, Gowrielea’s Scots Wha Hae CGN RE, CD, ATD, SDIN, SDO, VE, GRCC VCI, Am CCA, RI, TKA, CD-V
Owner(s): Bruce and Liz Russel